Rob Crutchington extols the virtues of innovative Gateway Services in a brand-new video.
Encoded has worked hard to demystify the complex payment space so that companies, with any skillset is able to take payments quickly, seamlessly and above all, securely.
3 reasons to put Gateway Services centre stage
Independent Gateway Service Providers like Encoded that are not linked to an acquiring bank offer a wealth of benefits:
1. Greater consumer payment choice
2. Improved CX
Innovations such as tokenisation mean returning customers are not required to enter their card details multiple times because details are captured and stored automatically and securely. In fact, 500 agents at Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) specialist Sigma Connected praise the benefits of tokenisation to streamline the payments process while improving the customer experience (CX), boosting brand loyalty and reducing the substantial risk associated with PCI DSS non-compliance at the same time.
3. Best rates, tangible business savings
Adding Payment Orchestration to Gateway Services takes ecommerce to the next level, providing a simple, low-cost way to drive global growth and support. Payment orchestration integrates with multiple business and CRM systems, offering an all-in-one dynamic and secure platform for managing the entire payment process, irrespective of gateway payment provider or acquirer. Powerful least cost acquiring functionality means payments are routed in real-time to the most cost-effective merchant service provider to reduce payment costs. For low-risk businesses such as utilities or the wine industry, this can translate into savings of up to 90%.
For more tips on achieving business success using the latest innovations in Gateway Services, watch Encoded’s brand-new video.
Rob Crutchington is CEO of Encoded