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What every card-accepting call centre should know
It is fair to say that most card-accepting contact centres understand the importance of protecting customer data from fraud and cybercrime. However, it might be news to many that in the event of a security breach they will be the ones fined...

Why your customers should know about PCI DSS
If you were to ask shoppers in the street to name an online payment protection process the chances are they would know about Verified by Visa, 3D Secure, Mastercard SecureCode or even Safekey from American Express but most would draw a blank...

Park Group Press Release
Park Group offers Christmas Savings Club agents 24-hour access to account information and self-service payment facility using Encoded.UK’s ...

Peverel Press Release
OM Property Management, part of Peverel Property Management (PPM) one of the UK’s leading provider of residential property management services, has deployed interactive voice response (IVR) technology from Encoded to offer customers...

Virgin Holidays Press Release
Virgin Holidays offers customers 24-hour access to account balance information and automated payment facility using Encoded. UK’s market-leading long-haul holiday company deploys PCI DSS-compliant solution to protect customer data...