Ditch the CVV

Ditch the CVV

There are a number of myths around the three-digit card verification value (CVV) code found on the back of a MasterCard or Visa card (four-digits on the front if paying by American Express). However, is it time to ditch the code…

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Green Star Energy Press Release

Green Star Energy Press Release

Green Star Energy, one of the newest entrants into the UK’s competitive residential energy market, has deployed interactive voice response (IVR) and automated payment technology from Encoded to offer customers a 24-hour meter reading…

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A day in the life of a contact centre card payment

A day in the life of a contact centre card payment

Have you ever thought about what happens once you enter your debit or credit card details into an automated system or read them out to a contact centre agent? The answer isn’t easy but it is more straightforward than many would like you to believe…

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