Wise up on PCI DSS and Save a Fortune

Wise up on PCI DSS and Save a Fortune

Every contact centre that accepts credit and debit card payments over the telephone needs to be PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant. However the process of becoming and staying compliant can be hugely expensive…

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White paper – Telephone Payments and PCI DSS

White paper – Telephone Payments and PCI DSS

Making payments via a credit or debit card is now largely common place but the regulations around accepting card payments over the phone remains a mystery to most organisations. This is your chance to read the ultimate white paper…

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Five things you should know about PCI DSS

Five things you should know about PCI DSS

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) remains surrounded by confusion and misinformation. For example many call centres do not appreciate that PCI DSS covers the entire trading environment including all third-party partners and vendors…

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